Fox Blocks Ensure an Energy-Efficient Home in Hot and Humid Dallas
Fox Blocks Ensure an Energy-Efficient Home in Hot and Humid Dallas
ICF Tornado Safe Rooms Header
ICC 500 Missile Impact Testing Requirements for Storm Shelters and Safe Rooms
Fox Blocks announces that their ICF wall assem­bly passed the ICC 500 required Mis­sile Impact test used to deter­mine com­pli­ance of storm shel­ter and safe room design and con­struc­tion from fly­ing debris in severe high-wind weath­er events.
Exterior Foundation Covering Ideas and Designs
A beau­ti­ful­ly fin­ished foun­da­tion adds more than curb appeal — it pro­tects your home from envi­ron­men­tal dam­age and enhances ener­gy effi­cien­cy. Mod­ern home­own­ers and builders can choose from a vari­ety of exte­ri­or cov­er­ing ideas, from time­less options like brick and stone veneer applied to advanced solu­tions like Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Forms (ICFs).
How Long Does It Take to Frame a House?
Won­der­ing how long it takes to frame a house? Dis­cov­er the key fac­tors that influ­ence the time­line and what to expect dur­ing the fram­ing process!
Duplex vs. Multiplex: Choosing the Right Investment
Duplex or mul­ti­plex: which is the bet­ter invest­ment? Learn the dif­fer­ences, pros, and cons to make the right choice for your prop­er­ty goals!
A photo of a house with a strong foundation
What is the Strongest Foundation for a House?
The foun­da­tion is fun­da­men­tal to the longevi­ty, strength, and struc­tur­al sound­ness of a house. Home­own­ers and pro­fes­sion­als often ask, Which foun­da­tion is the most effec­tive for a house?” Find out here!
Exterior Wall Thickness How Thick Should Your Walls Be
Exterior Wall Thickness: How Thick Should Your Walls Be?
The exte­ri­or wall thick­ness of a home sig­nif­i­cant­ly impacts the house’s ener­gy effi­cien­cy, dis­as­ter resis­tance, and IEQ. Learn how thick exte­ri­or walls should be.
Multi story building 3
How to Build Multi-Story Buildings Faster
Whether it’s a high-rise res­i­den­tial apart­ment build­ing or a com­mer­cial com­plex, the quick­er a mul­ti-sto­ry build­ing is con­struct­ed, the soon­er it can start gen­er­at­ing rev­enue.
The Upside of Digging Down: Why Adding a Basement to Your New Build is a Smart Investment
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6 Things to Consider When Building a Basement