Are there different types of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)?
EPS is listed basically under four property classifications – Type I, II, III and IV. The characteristics are based on the density of the molded foam which defines the product type. Fox Blocks ICFs are manufactured as a Type II EPS with a density of approximately 1.5 pounds per cubic foot.
Do I have to finish my basement walls with drywall?
All building codes in the USA and Canada specify that plastic insulation (EPS) must be covered by a thermal barrier equivalent to 15 minutes of fire protection in habitable spaces. If the basement is classified as habitable space, then gypsum board must be applied but does have to taped and filled. Check with your local building official.
Does the EPS provide support for a wood sill plate?
No, the EPS has no structural capacity to support any loads. Wood sill plates must achieve the required bearing from the concrete within the ICF. A wood plate that cantilevers 1⁄3 over the EPS and bears 2⁄3 on the concrete is allowable. This can be done with a minimum 2 x 6 plate. If a 2 x 4 plate is required, a taper top form should be used to extend the concrete under the plate.
What is the difference between Fox Blocks ICFs and the competitors, and why are Fox Blocks ICFs better? Why should I use Fox Blocks ICFs?
Most ICF blocks share common features and benefits. Fox Blocks, as a company, provides 30 years’ experience in product development, documentation, testing and training, as well as versatility in the line of products to meet all applications. The key difference comes in the expertise and support you get from Fox Blocks. Fox Blocks is the leader in insulating concrete form construction – proven in over 100,000 commercial and residential projects across North America. Extensive resources and support systems are available to ensure your project’s success from start to finish. Please visit our website www.Fox to review our project gallery and find more detailed documentation on the products and the applications. Fox Blocks also provides a toll free number for Customer and Technical Support 877−369−2562.