A Better Approach to Fire Safety with Concrete Building Design
Non-com­bustible, insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) con­struc­tion is a bet­ter approach to fire safe­ty over wood con­struc­tion.
Fox Blocks and Menards Promote Storm Safe Homes
Our insu­lat­ed con­crete forms are sol­id mono­lith­ic walls and with­stand the worst of rain­storms, fires, and high winds — includ­ing tor­na­does.
Fox Blocks Announces Membership in the NRMCA
We are excit­ed to announce that Fox Blocks is now a mem­ber of the Nation­al Ready Mix Con­crete Asso­ci­a­tion (NRM­CA).
Does Concrete Mix Really Matter?
Prop­er con­crete mix saves time on labor, facil­i­tates con­crete con­sol­i­da­tion and ensures a suc­cess­ful Fox Blocks wall pour.
Insulated Concrete Form Foundations Header
Insulated Concrete Form Foundations Vs. Poured Concrete Foundation
26 ICF Builders & Contractors to Consider for Your Construction Needs
School With Insulated Concrete Forms Header
Building a Disaster-Resistant School With Insulated Concrete Forms
Glen’s Contractor Tip Corner
Get­ting start­ed, the hot and cold ICF expe­ri­ence.
Icf hotel
How ICFs Provide Airtight and Fire-Resistant Common Walls for Multi-Family Buildings