What Today’s Empty Nesters Want for Their New Homes
Empty nesters can simplify their lives, save money, and help the environment by downsizing to a single-story, energy-efficient, low-maintenance, and durable home.
6 Reasons Why Architects Choose to Design With Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Construction
5 Disadvantages to DIY Concrete Foundation Forms
Before you begin your concrete foundation forms DIY project, consider these five disadvantages of DIY concrete form construction.
The Benefits of Fox Blocks ICF Over Batt Insulation
Lock-and-Leave Home Design: How to Increase Your Free Time and Security
With so many homeowners looking for ways to cut back on their busy lives and enjoy more quality time with friends and families, the lock-and-leave home seems to be the perfect solution.
11 Benefits of Concrete House Construction
How to Attach Siding to an ICF Substrate
Build a Resilient Building Design with Fox Blocks ICFs
Resilient buildings made with Fox Blocks ICFs will protect a commercial building’s integrity against severe winds, flooding, earthquakes, extreme temperatures, and fire.
12 Easy Steps for High-Performance, Healthy Homes
Builders and homeowners that follow these 12 easy steps for home design and construction will create a high-performing and healthy home that is comfortable and safe.
The Advantages of ICF over CMU Construction
Concrete masonry units (CMU) and insulated concrete form (ICF) walls have several features in common: energy-efficiency, durability, and good indoor environmental quality (IEQ). However, ICF is quicker and easier to install compared to CMU, which saves time and money.