Foundation Types
Foundation Types: 8 Different Types of Home Foundations
How to build a house foundation
How to Build a House Foundation: 7 Steps to get a Solid Foundation
South Patios
The own­ers’ for­mer home, destroyed by Hur­ri­cane Har­vey, was the touch­stone for fam­i­ly gath­er­ings for near­ly two decades, and its loss was dev­as­tat­ing for the fam­i­ly.
The Foundation of Construction: A Guide to Building Code Foundation Requirements
IMG 5771
The home­own­ers dreamed of a Euro­pean style estate that felt like home in Franklin, Ten­nessee. They knew they want­ed to build a con­crete home and when they dis­cov­ered Fox Blocks ICFs they had the per­fect build­ing mate­r­i­al to accom­plish their aes­thet­ic and sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals.
The Best Vapor Systems for Basement Walls
Construction sunset
Supporting Green Initiatives in Government with ICF Construction
Despite under­stand­ing the need for sus­tain­abil­i­ty, many archi­tects, design­ers and build­ing own­ers see the asso­ci­at­ed costs as a bar­ri­er. The real­i­ty is that, while switch­ing to sus­tain­able build­ing prac­tices does require an ini­tial invest­ment, it’s not as much as many assume.
Reduce Moisture Problems with ICF Construction
Reduce Moisture Problems with ICF Construction
You can avoid stud-fram­ing mois­ture prob­lems by choos­ing a mois­ture-resis­tant insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) foun­da­tion for your new home.
The New Basement: A Modern Housing Innovation
Base­ments are no longer a scary, damp, and musty area. Learn about the new base­ment and how it has become the mod­ern hous­ing inno­va­tion it is today.
Crop Durable Cabin Cottage with Fox Blocks Header
Building a Year-Round, Energy-Efficient and Durable Cabin with Fox Blocks ICF
Cab­ins and cot­tages often start as a sec­ond home or week­end retreat. ICF con­struc­tion ensures year-round use of the cab­in.