Fox 2
4 Reasons to Rebuild with ICF Walls After Wildfire Devastation
Rebuild­ing after a wild­fire with Fox Blocks insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) con­struc­tion can pro­tect a new struc­ture and its occu­pants from future wild­fires.
How to Build a 4-Hour Fire Wall: Thickness, Materials, and Assembly
Does expanded polystyrene (EPS) present a serious fire hazard?
The EPS in an Fox Blocks has a flame retar­dant that allows the forms to be flame resis­tant. The EPS will melt when exposed to sus­tained tem­per­a­tures over 300°F (149°C). The igni­tion point of the melt­ed styrene is 600°F (315°C) (wood is approx­i­mate­ly 500°F (260°C). Fox Blocks have been test­ed to meet the build­ing code require­ments for flame spread and smoke devel­op­ment, plus Fox Blocks may be used as fire resis­tant rat­ed wall assem­blies in schools and hos­pi­tals.

ASTM E119 and CAN/ULC S101 Fire Rated Assembly - 2 to 4 hours FXB/ICF 240-02

ASTM E119 and CAN/ULC S101 Fire Rated Assembly - 2 to 4 hours FXB/ICF 240-01

Fox Blocks Las Vegas Fire Station specified Insulated Concrete Forms for living space

Fox Blocks Las Vegas Fire Station specified Insulated Concrete Forms for living space

Fox Blocks Fire Stations City of Las Vegas NV Builds Another LEED Silver

Fox Blocks Fire Stations City of Las Vegas NV Builds Another LEED Silver

ASTM D1929 Ignition Properties of Plastic Webs \n3105051SAT 001 Report 11 15 07

ASTM 2843 Density of Smoke Test Data Report

ASTM D635 Rate of Burning of Plastics Test Data Report