Innovations in Exterior Wall Construction: What You Need to Know
For gen­er­a­tions, the con­struc­tion of exte­ri­or walls has fol­lowed tra­di­tion­al prac­tices that have pri­mar­i­ly involved wood or steel fram­ing. These meth­ods have been the back­bone of res­i­den­tial and light com­mer­cial con­struc­tion, by pro­vid­ing shel­ter, sta­bil­i­ty, and a cer­tain lev­el of insu­la­tion.
Building Beyond Code with ICF
While it may seem that hav­ing to com­ply with con­stant­ly-evolv­ing build­ing codes is just part of doing busi­ness in a mod­ern soci­ety, that’s not real­ly true.
Energy Stick Facts
The Ener­gy Sticks have been designed to work well in the sol­id Fox Blocks line as well as the 1440 line.
The Benefits of Fox Blocks ICF Over Batt Insulation
A Superior Solution to Thermal Bridging
Fox Blocks Ensure an Energy-Efficient Home in Hot and Humid Dallas
Fox Blocks Ensure an Energy-Efficient Home in Hot and Humid Dallas
What is a Frost Wall 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation
What is a Frost Wall? 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation
Tips for Designing ICF House Plans with a Walkout Basement
Tips for Designing ICF House Plans With a Walkout Basement
How to Deal with the Rising Cost of Insulation
How to Deal with the Rising Cost of Insulation
A com­bi­na­tion of ongo­ing short­ages and increas­ing demand has led to high­er prices for fiber­glass insu­la­tion. What is the best way to deal with it?
7 Things to Know About Basement Insulation Code
7 Things to Know About Basement Insulation Code
For build­ing code base­ment insu­la­tion, there are 7 impor­tant things to know.