ICF Tornado Safe Rooms Header
ICC 500 Missile Impact Testing Requirements for Storm Shelters and Safe Rooms
Fox Blocks announces that their ICF wall assem­bly passed the ICC 500 required Mis­sile Impact test used to deter­mine com­pli­ance of storm shel­ter and safe room design and con­struc­tion from fly­ing debris in severe high-wind weath­er events.
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Building Energy-Efficient, Safe, and Healthy Low-Income Housing with Fox Blocks ICFs
ICF Construction Tornado Header
ICF Construction Protects Homes and Families from Tornados
How to Build a Guest House
How to Build a Guest House: Costs, Speed, and Energy Savings
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Building Maintenance Management 101
Prop­er­ty man­agers are real­iz­ing the cru­cial role of thor­ough build­ing main­te­nance in pro­tect­ing prop­er­ty val­ue, func­tion­al­i­ty, and safe­ty. This arti­cle explores the essen­tial com­po­nents of build­ing main­te­nance man­age­ment and empha­sizes the impor­tance of using inno­v­a­tive build­ing solu­tions for sus­tain­able, safe, and well-main­tained prop­er­ties.
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5 Trends in Modern Office Building Design
In 2020, office build­ing design trends strive to save mon­ey and pro­vide a safe, healthy, and pro­duc­tive work­space.
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What is a Resilient Home and How to Build One
Con­struct­ing strong homes that endure time and nature is cru­cial in mod­ern build­ing. Resilient homes are cre­at­ed to with­stand harsh weath­er and pro­vide excep­tion­al dura­bil­i­ty and safe­ty for home­own­ers.
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3 Problems with Steel Frame Construction and Why ICF is a Better Alternative
There are three prob­lems with steel frame con­struc­tion that affect the safe­ty, effi­cien­cy, and dura­bil­i­ty of the struc­tures they cre­ate.
National Building Code of Canada Explained
What is the Nation­al Build­ing Code of Cana­da? Learn its key prin­ci­ples, how it ensures safe­ty, and its role in guid­ing con­struc­tion projects!
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The Advantages of ICF for Garage Construction
An ide­al prod­uct for today’s mul­ti-pur­pose, ener­gy-effi­cient, safe, and com­fort­able garages is Fox Blocks insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICFs).