How to Measure and Plan for Energy Efficiency in Your Building
As climate change becomes a greater issue, architects are under increasing pressure to design sustainable, yet high-performance buildings. In this blog, we go over some effective strategies you can use during the design process to enhance your building’s energy efficiency
Glen's Contractor Tip Corner: Short Jogs
I had a call this week from a contractor who wanted to know if there was an easy way to build a two foot jog into a wall. This brought back flashbacks of when I used to attempt to interlock corners thinking the strength of the interlock was going to hold things together during concrete placement.

Home Construction: Built to Endure Hurricanes
A few surviving houses caught the eye of media outlets around the world, seemingly untouched by Hurricane Michael’s destruction. What made these houses different?
Does Concrete Mix Really Matter?
Proper concrete mix saves time on labor, facilitates concrete consolidation and ensures a successful Fox Blocks wall pour.
The Fox Block Interlock
When the Fox Blocks interlock was designed our Engineering staff made the choice not to focus on being within 1÷2” to 1” from the building dimension but to give the strongest interlock possible.
Simple Ways to Save Money On Your Build
As builders and buyers look to continually fight rising costs, making small changes and minor substitutions, as a way of value engineering, can largely impact the final cost of a build.
Tilt Up Construction and Insulated Concrete Forms
Last year Fox Blocks decided we could add speed and value to the Tilt Up industry and it took all of 2 weeks to get the Fox Tilt insert engineered, mold made, and production started. I can’t stop grinning about the capabilities of our parent Airlite Plastics.
WOC 2011 - Great Kick Off
Traveling back to my home/office in Atlanta from the recent World of Concrete Show in Las Vegas, I was able to reflect on some of our company’s recent achievements. The recent World of Concrete show gave our company a platform or perfect opportunity to…
Properly Placing The Concrete
Depending on the forms’ size and the concrete core width, the concrete aggregate size and slump should be adjusted accordingly. The ultimate goal is to get the correct compressive strength for the concrete as specified.
Social Media, Inbox?
As I try to break into…..or attempt to utilize or at least sign up…….on some of the new social media or mediums that continue to grow in popularity, I realize that I must be old! Very, very old! I thought that my colleague out west “Mr. Sizzle” was about my age, but he is definitely young when it comes to all of these technologies!