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The Advantages of ICF Construction for Multiplex Housing
Why ICF Construction is Perfect for Oklahoma Homes in Tornado Alley
Why ICF Construction is Perfect for Oklahoma Homes in Tornado Alley
ICF Construction Tornado Header
ICF Construction Protects Homes and Families from Tornados
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8 Tips for Contractors Installing ICF on Commercial Projects
Com­mer­cial ICF instal­la­tion can seem com­pli­cat­ed and over­whelm­ing if you don’t go in prepped and pre­pared. Keep read­ing to learn eight of our best tips for installing ICF on com­mer­cial projects.
Zero Place Southeast corner
A Zero-Ener­gy Liv­ing Con­cept for a Brighter and Green­er Future. Zero Place is a ground­break­ing devel­op­ment boast­ing zero-ener­gy liv­ing in its four-sto­ry mixed-use build­ing with 46 mul­ti-fam­i­ly units and 8,400 square feet of retail space.
Fox 4
Florida ICF Homes are Energy-Efficient, Storm-Proof, and Durable
Fortified home cosntruction
Staying Safe: Fortified Construction Protects Your Home & Family
For­ti­fied home con­struc­tion refers to using mate­ri­als and tech­niques in com­bi­na­tion with one anoth­er to make your home stronger and more resilient as a shel­ter.
These own­ers want­ed a 100% self-sus­tain­ing, off-the-grid home. Because of its ener­gy-effi­cien­cy and insu­la­tion prop­er­ties, Fox Blocks ICF was the per­fect solu­tion.
Insulated Concrete Form manufacturer of Fox Blocks is exhibiting at AIA National Convention: New Orleans: May 12-14
Fox Blocks is exhibit­ing at the AIA Nation­al Con­ven­tion being held here in New Orleans now through May 14th.
This project is an icon­ic cor­ner­stone at the Dis­ney Springs enter­tain­ment com­plex at Walt Dis­ney World.