R-Value: It's More Than a Number
Although R‑values are con­sid­ered to be the stan­dard mea­sure for insu­la­tion, they are not the whole sto­ry when it comes to choos­ing insu­la­tion.
Tips for Finding the Right Contractor
When you’re ready to move for­ward with your project, find­ing the right con­trac­tor can be a daunt­ing task.
What Is An Energy Audit?
The term ener­gy audit” can seem daunt­ing. But in real­i­ty, it’s noth­ing to be afraid of, and in fact, is designed to be ben­e­fi­cial to you.

1.01.01 Technical Information & Product Guide

Everything Your Customer Wants You to Know About the Latest LEED Changes
Con­trac­tors, archi­tects and engi­neers are design­ing and con­struct­ing new build­ings that are using renew­able mate­ri­als, invest­ing in sus­tain­able HVAC sys­tems, and are improv­ing the build­ing enve­lope to reduce the amount of ener­gy waste.
The Fox Blocks Energy Stick
How do you improve an Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form wall that already out-per­forms most wall sys­tems in all cli­mates? You move the con­crete mass toward the liv­ing side of the wall.
White Paper: Effects of the Thermal Envelope on Home Energy Efficiency
In this white paper, Fox Blocks explore the sci­ence behind cre­at­ing a good ther­mal enve­lope with insu­lat­ed con­crete forms.
How to Turn a Corner with a Corbel Ledge Block
In this video, Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen shows how to make a mitered cor­ner with the Cor­bel Ledge Block.
Senate Proposes to Incorporate Energy Performance into the Mortgage Loan
Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans came togeth­er recent­ly to intro­duce the HOMES Act in Con­gress that would pro­vide rebates up to $8000 to home­own­ers who invest in ener­gy sav­ing per­for­mance improve­ments to their homes
In the Field: Gymnasium Auditorium in Phoenix, AZ
Take a tour with us through the Gym­na­si­um Bour­gade Hill­man High School in Phoenix, AZ.