Build a Better Commercial Building With These 13 Tips
Fox Blocks suggests these thirteen tips that building owners and project managers should consider before building a commercial building.

Replacing Disposable Homes with Durable ICF Construction
In regions prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires, Fox Blocks ICF wall assembly provides an excellent alternative to wood-frame construction.

Constructed during one of the worst winters in over 30 years, having over 8′ of snow fall during the 12 weeks of Fox Blocks construction.

What Do You Mean You Haven’t Heard of an ICF?
Fox Blocks Integrated Learning Center’s (ILC) online training provides comprehensive step-by-step practices for adequately installing insulated concrete forms (ICFs).

The Advantages of ICF for Garage Construction
An ideal product for today’s multi-purpose, energy-efficient, safe, and comfortable garages is Fox Blocks insulated concrete forms (ICFs).

This mixed use project includes offices and drop off facilities for waste and recycling.

The challenge for this build was to create a home that would appeal to a sophisticated buyer with features that an empty nester moving from a larger more expansive home would enjoy. The result is an energy efficient home which creatively uses space in an attractive, luxurious, and cost effective way.
This owner-builder wanted an attractive, affordable relaxation spa that he could build himself on weekends. He designed the project to replicate a wine barrel protruding from the ground, inviting one and all to enjoy a glass and stay awhile.

The contractor needed a building solution that would provide a sustainable development that would stimulate the local economy and preserve the historic feel of the community. In addition to the environmental considerations, the commitment to private, energy efficient units was a selling point of building with Fox Blocks ICF.

The homeowners wanted to build a home that would be beautiful, functional, and sustainable. They brought in an ICF expert contractor who selected Fox Blocks as the ideal building material to accomplish the homeowners goals. This home was built directly into a natural rock ledge and features large covered porches and breezeways on the exterior and beautiful oak floors throughout the interior.