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Building Energy-Efficient, Safe, and Healthy Low-Income Housing with Fox Blocks ICFs
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5 Trends in Modern Office Building Design
In 2020, office build­ing design trends strive to save mon­ey and pro­vide a safe, healthy, and pro­duc­tive work­space.
Enhanced value of property assets
3 Reasons Why Building with LEED Materials is Better for Your Business
As green build­ing becomes more com­mon prac­tice, there is a trend towards low­er con­struc­tion costs asso­ci­at­ed with build­ing sus­tain­ably, due to improved tech­nolo­gies and more read­i­ly avail­able envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly build­ing mate­ri­als.
The Integrated Design Process (IDP) and Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
Quick Build Construction: ICF Construction for Tract Home Builders
Insulated Concrete Forms Header
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) Vs. Wood-Frame Construction
Insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICF) cre­ate a more ener­gy-effi­cient, qui­et, and healthy build­ing than one built with wood-frame con­struc­tion. ICF build­ings are also more resis­tant to dis­as­ter, fire, insect, and mois­ture intru­sion than wood-frame struc­tures.
ICF Home California
Replacing Disposable Homes with Durable ICF Construction
In regions prone to hur­ri­canes, tor­na­does, and wild­fires, Fox Blocks ICF wall assem­bly pro­vides an excel­lent alter­na­tive to wood-frame con­struc­tion.
Insulated Concrete Form used to Build a Warehouse
How to Build a Warehouse the Right Way
How to Deal with the Rising Cost of Insulation
How to Deal with the Rising Cost of Insulation
A com­bi­na­tion of ongo­ing short­ages and increas­ing demand has led to high­er prices for fiber­glass insu­la­tion. What is the best way to deal with it?
Does Concrete Mix Really Matter?
Prop­er con­crete mix saves time on labor, facil­i­tates con­crete con­sol­i­da­tion and ensures a suc­cess­ful Fox Blocks wall pour.