Why ICF is a Best Practice in Constructing Public Safety Buildings
Fox Block ICF public safety buildings provide first responders a safe, healthy, and quiet environment.
The Rising Trend of ICF Construction in California
To keep up with California’s strict energy standards, many builders and architects are turning to ICF construction.
The Importance of Contractor Training and Product Knowledge
Top 22 ICF Commercial Construction FAQs
Commercial ICF construction has strict standards, codes, budgets and timelines to follow, and making sure you implement ICFs accurately and efficiently is important. We compiled a list of the top ICF FAQs we get to help you feel confident in your decision to choose Insulated Concrete Forms for your next project.
Controlling Commercial Construction Labor Costs with ICF
Controlling Commercial Construction Labor Costs with ICF
10 Green Building Construction Methods
Green building construction methods have emerged as options for not only reducing environmental footprints, but also cutting down energy expenses. These methods are based on eco-friendly practices and materials, and are aimed at promoting both environmental and economic sustainability.
Building Stronger Hotels with ICF Blocks
Can a House Withstand 100 mph Winds?
Understanding Resilience in Construction: 4 Critical Considerations
10 Steps for Building a Home with Insulated Concrete Form Blocks
An ICF home, like one built with Fox Blocks, provides many of the essential features that today’s homeowner is looking for: excellent indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy-efficiency, and disaster-resistance.