What is the Strongest Foundation for a House?
The foundation is fundamental to the longevity, strength, and structural soundness of a house. Homeowners and professionals often ask, “Which foundation is the most effective for a house?” Find out here!

5 Trends in Modern Office Building Design
In 2020, office building design trends strive to save money and provide a safe, healthy, and productive workspace.

Cinder Block (CMU) vs. Traditional Poured Concrete Wall Foundations
We cover the differences between CMU blocks and poured concrete foundations so that you don’t have to learn from trial and error.

6 Methods for a More Sustainable Construction Industry
Sustainability is rapidly gaining momentum on a global scale. But meeting modern sustainability requirements presents a challenge to construction companies and building owners alike.

ICFs Make Home Ownership Attainable for Young Adults and Seniors
International GreenBuild Trade Show in Toronto
Over the past few years developers have observed that LEED registered buildings lease more quickly and with rent premiums of up to 30%.

Factors That Impact Cost When Building a Commercial Retail Building
Constructing a commercial retail building is a significant investment that comes with its own set of complexities. Varied factors can impact the overall cost of building a retail building, each contributing to the final price tag.

ICF Walls Are Less Expensive Than CMU
Many contractors ask us the same question: Is ICF more expensive than CMU? Here’s why ICF walls are less expensive than CMU and offer better benefits.

The homeowners dreamed of a European style estate that felt like home in Franklin, Tennessee. They knew they wanted to build a concrete home and when they discovered Fox Blocks ICFs they had the perfect building material to accomplish their aesthetic and sustainability goals.

What Is Construction Phasing and Why Is It Important?
Construction phasing is revolutionizing the way we approach building projects. By dividing a project into manageable segments, it is a strategic method for tackling large-scale developments while also maintaining operational continuity.