This unique air hangar is the first of its kind in terms of ICF applications. The design of this building was not intended to stand out, but to conform and fit its environment. With beautiful wood and stonework exterior finishes and the steep rake of the roof down to the embankment in which the hangar is nestled, the building elegantly blends into the beautiful Idaho surroundings without being obtrusive.
What do termites do to the foam?
EPS provides no nutrient value and is not a food source for termites. If left exposed, termites may tunnel into the foam in search of fibrous food. When building, in a heavy termite infestation area, care is required in the detailing and construction of the walls that will be in contact with ground, to prevent access to the foam for termites.

Modern Hurricane Resistant Houses
Don’t let the threat of hurricanes keep you up at night. Secure your home with Fox Blocks. Contact the experts at Fox Blocks today

Mixed-Use Business and Residence Blends Historic Charm and Modern Design. A Fortified Gold mixed business/residence with an impressive balance of classical historic and modern features.

The project is a key feature and gathering place in a small city that is planning substantial city-wide redevelopment. The new 11-screen theater is a focal point of this effort and has introduced the region to ICF and the benefits of building with this method.

Sound-Proof Assisted Living Center Completed On-Time Amidst Pandemic. Springhouse Village Senior Center has received high praise from residents and visitors for its welcoming design, resident safety, and peaceful atmosphere.

Wind Resistant Buildings: Creating a Solid Design with ICF Blocks
Wall systems constructed with Fox Blocks insulated concrete forms (ICFs ) ensure a wind-resistant structure with a strong continuous load path that holds the roof, walls, floors, and foundation together during an intense wind event.
After losing their home to a fire in 2017, the project owners aimed to build a replacement that was similar in design but stronger and more fire-resistant. The fire had extensively damaged the site, which necessitated a complete demolition of the old structure, including the former basement, prior to the construction of the new ICF home.

This massive estate features 7,000 square feet of living space and another 6,000 square feet of decks, porches, lofts, and more. To help achieve the rustic-contemporary look of the home, amazing ICF gables were used to create the daylight windows that provide a beautiful view of the surrounding forest.

Old Town Scottsdale is a historic downtown area, once known for cowboy-Western shops and art galleries, that is now experiencing a remodernization and revitalization. In a class of its own, this multimillion-dollar, modern two-home masterpiece complements the nearby downtown and arts district. These luxury walk-ups pay homage to early urban Mediterranean architecture with all the sophistication of the 21st century.