Flexible design
Your Guide to Building a Home With the Future in Mind
Some clients might want to leave the home to future gen­er­a­tions of fam­i­ly mem­bers, while oth­ers may have a pas­sion for envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Com­ments like that all point to the same thing: a client who wants a home designed with the future in mind. And, by keep­ing up with the lat­est devel­op­ments in future-focused design, you can pro­vide the solu­tion.
Get Your Home Ready for Winter in These 6 Simple Steps
Each year seems to go by quick­er than the last. Be pre­pared when old man win­ter knocks at your door. Get your home win­ter ready in these easy steps.
Fox Blocks Takes Home Nine Awards During World of Concrete
9 Tips for New Church Construction 1
9 Tips for New Church Construction Projects
When a church’s mem­ber­ship out­grows its wor­ship space, con­gre­ga­tion lead­ers often strug­gle with the deci­sion on whether to expand the cur­rent facil­i­ty or build a new church. Regard­less of the direc­tion tak­en, detailed plan­ning helps to estab­lish goals, stay on bud­get, and ensure thor­ough and well-man­aged com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the fel­low­ship.
Pool House Construction: Costs, Materials, Plans, and More
The New Basement: A Modern Housing Innovation
Base­ments are no longer a scary, damp, and musty area. Learn about the new base­ment and how it has become the mod­ern hous­ing inno­va­tion it is today.
Fire Resistant Building Header
The Ideal Design of a Fire-Resistant Building
Combat Rising Construction Labor Costs with ICF 4
Combat Rising Construction Labor Costs with ICF
What is a Frost Wall 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation
What is a Frost Wall? 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation