Benefits of Building an Energy-Efficient Home in Florida
What is a Frost Wall 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation
What is a Frost Wall? 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation
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5 Trends in Modern Office Building Design
In 2020, office build­ing design trends strive to save mon­ey and pro­vide a safe, healthy, and pro­duc­tive work­space.
11 Problems Associated with Structural Insulated Panels and a Better Alternative
The New Basement: A Modern Housing Innovation
Base­ments are no longer a scary, damp, and musty area. Learn about the new base­ment and how it has become the mod­ern hous­ing inno­va­tion it is today.
What is a Good R Value for Exterior Walls?
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11 Problems Associated with Structural Insulated Panels and a Better Alternative
Con­trac­tors and archi­tects can avoid the prob­lems of struc­tur­al insu­lat­ed pan­el (SIP) wall con­struc­tion with Fox Blocks ICFs.
The Benefits of Fox Blocks ICF Over Batt Insulation