8 Energy Star Requirements for New Homes and How to Meet Them
Is ICF Construction Worth the Cost for Commercial Buildings?
ICF construction for commercial buildings has skyrocketed over the past few years. ICF benefits ranging from sound insulation to durability to building strength and disaster resistance have piqued a lot of interest for builders and architects. But it has some scratching their heads, mistakenly thinking ICF is more expensive and then wondering, “Is ICF construction cost worth it?”
ICF Construction in Arizona
The Best Material Options for a Reliable Pool Foundation
8 Tips for Contractors Installing ICF on Commercial Projects
Commercial ICF installation can seem complicated and overwhelming if you don’t go in prepped and prepared. Keep reading to learn eight of our best tips for installing ICF on commercial projects.
The Fox Block Interlock
When the Fox Blocks interlock was designed our Engineering staff made the choice not to focus on being within 1÷2” to 1” from the building dimension but to give the strongest interlock possible.
Improve the Comfort and Health of a Building with Soundproof Exterior Walls
The need to incorporate soundproofing features in the exterior walls of today’s homes and buildings has increased in recent decades. Urbanization, population growth, and an increase in air, rail, and highway traffic all have contributed to a widespread escalation of noise pollution.
1.08.03 Baseboard and Trim
Designing for Disaster Protection and Storm-Proof Homes
Exterior wind damage is responsible for 25% of all homeowner insurance claims. That doesn’t include the interior losses that occur when damaged windows and roofs let rain wreak havoc inside. While we can’t prevent windstorms, we can lessen their damage by planning home designs with wind-resistance as a top priority.