The Envelope Please
The Oscar goes to…
Building Beyond Code with ICF
While it may seem that hav­ing to com­ply with con­stant­ly-evolv­ing build­ing codes is just part of doing busi­ness in a mod­ern soci­ety, that’s not real­ly true.
Fox Blocks Goes to Washington
Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form Man­u­fac­tur­er Fox Blocks brings its new­ly devel­oped web-based BIM tools to a forum focused on Fed­er­al Asset Man­age­ment.
Social Media, Inbox?
As I try to break into…..or attempt to uti­lize or at least sign up…….on some of the new social media or medi­ums that con­tin­ue to grow in pop­u­lar­i­ty, I real­ize that I must be old! Very, very old! I thought that my col­league out west Mr. Siz­zle” was about my age, but he is def­i­nite­ly young when it comes to all of these tech­nolo­gies!