What's In Your Air?
We face envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­tion every day we step out­side our door.
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5 Reasons Why ICF Offers The Best Wall Construction for Passive House Design
Insulated Concrete Form used to Build a Warehouse
How to Build a Warehouse the Right Way
Berlin Encore Boutique Hotel, Event Center & Theatre
Can ICF Save You Time On Your Commercial Project?
This arti­cle will out­line the impor­tance of con­struc­tion work­flow in com­mer­cial projects, the process­es that often take the most time dur­ing con­struc­tion, the ben­e­fits of using ICF and how specif­i­cal­ly Fox Blocks’ ICF can help save time and costs on your next project.
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6 Home Building Trends for 2020 Home Buyers
Home­build­ing trends large­ly reflect the demands of the Mil­len­ni­als — the largest home-buy­ing group enter­ing the hous­ing mar­ket as first time home buy­ers.
How to Build a Hurricane Proof House in Florida
Flori­da, often hailed as the Sun­shine State, is no stranger to the annu­al threat of hur­ri­canes. As a res­i­dent or poten­tial home­own­er, one can’t help but feel the loom­ing pres­ence of these pow­er­ful storms. In light of this, the demand for hur­ri­cane-proof hous­es in Flori­da has grown expo­nen­tial­ly. Now, more than ever, home­own­ers are seek­ing solu­tions that not only ensure the safe­ty of their loved ones, but also pro­vide a sus­tain­able and ener­gy-effi­cient lifestyle.
Lock-and-Leave Home Design: How to Increase Your Free Time and Security
With so many home­own­ers look­ing for ways to cut back on their busy lives and enjoy more qual­i­ty time with friends and fam­i­lies, the lock-and-leave home seems to be the per­fect solu­tion.
The Anatomy of a High Performance Home
A mod­ern, high-per­for­mance home pro­vides you with ener­gy-effi­cien­cy, safe­ty, and a high-lev­el of indoor envi­ron­ment qual­i­ty (IEQ) for your fam­i­ly’s com­fort.
7 Characteristics of a Progressive Builder in 2020