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The Best Vapor Systems for Basement Walls

Vertical vs. Horizontal ICF: Pros and Cons
Both vertical and horizontal ICFs construction create moisture- and disaster-resistant walls with excellent R‑values. But which is the better ICF wall?

Aluminum Stud Problems and a Better Alternative

A Guide to the Commercial Construction Process - From Start to Finish
Fox Blocks presents the following outline designed to help project managers maneuver the commercial construction process from start to finish.

Foundation Types: 8 Different Types of Home Foundations

Is ICF Construction Worth the Cost for Commercial Buildings?
ICF construction for commercial buildings has skyrocketed over the past few years. ICF benefits ranging from sound insulation to durability to building strength and disaster resistance have piqued a lot of interest for builders and architects. But it has some scratching their heads, mistakenly thinking ICF is more expensive and then wondering, “Is ICF construction cost worth it?”
Fox Blocks at Federal Asset Management Policy Forum and Expo
Fox Blocks Vice President Mike Kennaw and East Coast Sales Manager Brian Medford participated in the 3rd Annual Federal Asset Management Policy Forum and Expo in the Washington, D.C. area the week of October 17, 2016.

Constructing Footings with Fox Blocks Foundations

Can a House Withstand 100 mph Winds?

What is a Shear Wall and How Does it Protect Your Building?
Construction of a shear wall includes materials and design that enhance a structure’s stiffness, strength, and ductility in order to withstand lateral forces from severe winds and earthquakes.