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Sustainability is at Our Core
Our par­ent com­pa­ny, Air­lite Plas­tics, cre­ates plas­tic prod­ucts for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions – so we have a con­stant sup­ply of first-gen­er­a­tion recy­cled mate­r­i­al. And since it’s right here in our facil­i­ties, we work toward the small­est car­bon foot­print pos­si­ble.
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How Long Does It Really Take to Build a House?
Whether you’re build­ing your dream home or a cozy cot­tage, know­ing the time­line is essen­tial. How­ev­er, one of the first ques­tions that come to mind is, How long will it take to turn these blue­prints into my home?” Under­stand­ing the time­line is cru­cial for plan­ning, bud­get­ing, and ulti­mate­ly enjoy­ing the process of watch­ing your house come to life.
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HERS Index vs Energy Star
Ener­gy effi­cien­cy in homes is vital for both eco­nom­ic and envi­ron­men­tal rea­sons, which is why builders have robust tools like the HERS Index and Ener­gy Star rat­ings to gauge and improve the ener­gy per­for­mance of build­ings.
What is the Optimal Foundation Wall Thickness
What is the Optimal Foundation Wall Thickness?
A con­crete foun­da­tion wal­l’s thick­ness plays an inte­gral role in its long-term strength and dura­bil­i­ty. Local build­ing codes man­date the foun­da­tion spec­i­fi­ca­tions, address­ing con­di­tions that affect the foun­da­tion thick­ness.
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Win­ter­set Com­mu­ni­ty Church want­ed a larg­er gath­er­ing space for the local com­mu­ni­ty, so they decid­ed to add a gym­na­si­um to their wor­ship build­ing. The addi­tion had to be built quick­ly while the church was still in use, blend in seam­less­ly with the exist­ing struc­ture, and offer high noise pro­tec­tion between the church and the gym­na­si­um.
The Best Framing Option for Texas Coastal Homes
The Best Framing Option for Texas Coastal Homes
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How to Make Concrete More Sustainable with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
Dominion springs 1
Dominion Springs Plaza
This high-end, mul­ti-build­ing, retail plaza was the first of its kind in the world of ICF con­struc­tion.
2017 heidleberg people
This build­ing is one of the first to offer afford­able hous­ing for both adults on the autism spec­trum and for those who are not on the spec­trum.