Is a high performance ICF home less expensive to build than a wood framed high performance home?
Yes, mar­gin­al­ly high­er on the ini­tial cap­i­tal costs, but, it is a record­ed fact that Fox Blocks high per­for­mance homes out per­form in com­fort and oper­at­ing costs over a wood framed home. These cre­ates month­ly cost sav­ings for the life cycle of the Fox Blocks home.
Is burning EPS toxic?
Test reports con­duct­ed by the Nation­al Research Coun­cil state: The max­i­mum tox­i­c­i­ty index obtained from the com­bus­tion of poly­styrene was of the same order as that of wood.” Fox Blocks ICFs have been test­ed to meet build­ing code require­ments for flame spread rat­ings, smoke devel­op­ment and tox­i­c­i­ty
Is the Fox Blocks ICF product ‘LEED’ rated or certified?
Prod­ucts are not rat­ed or cer­ti­fied under the LEED pro­gram. The over­all build­ing is eval­u­at­ed and assigned a LEED rat­ing. In the selec­tion of build­ing mate­ri­als for a LEED design, Fox Blocks have many ben­e­fits that can enable, enhance or direct­ly con­tribute toward LEED points for the project.
How do you control voids in the wall?
The con­crete mix is a high slump 5″- 6.5″ (125 mm – 165 mm) with a small­er aggre­gate size so the con­crete flows eas­i­ly. The per­son in charge of plac­ing the con­crete should watch the con­crete flow through­out the whole wall to ensure there are no void pock­ets. Inter­nal vibrat­ing pro­vides good con­sol­i­da­tion, elim­i­nat­ing voids.
How to Choose a 1-Hour Fire-Rated Wall Assembly
How to Build a 4-Hour Fire Wall: Thickness, Materials, and Assembly
High performance healthy commercial building ig 01
Infographic: The Anatomy of a High-Performance, Healthy Commercial Building
Learn about the pas­sive strate­gies, inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies, and sys­tem inte­gra­tions that cre­ate a mod­ern, high-per­for­mance, healthy com­mer­cial build­ing in this info­graph­ic.
Mayura Manor Exterior Johnruzphoto com
Dead­lines and Design Codes Don’t Stop A Dream Home. A strik­ing front ele­va­tion is met with high­ly-effi­cient sus­tain­able fea­tures and includes a court­yard con­nect­ing the main home, casita and garage, with cus­tom stone water fea­tures ele­vat­ed above the pool deck.
Everything Your Customer Wants You to Know About the Latest LEED Changes
Con­trac­tors, archi­tects and engi­neers are design­ing and con­struct­ing new build­ings that are using renew­able mate­ri­als, invest­ing in sus­tain­able HVAC sys­tems, and are improv­ing the build­ing enve­lope to reduce the amount of ener­gy waste.
Cost effec­tive con­struc­tion was pos­si­ble because of the insu­lat­ing qual­i­ties of the Fox Blocks sys­tem.