The Backbone of Modern Construction: Steel Reinforced Concrete Walls
A Superior Solution to Thermal Bridging
Effective Strategies to Insulate Block Walls
Improv­ing the insu­la­tion of block walls sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhances ener­gy effi­cien­cy, com­fort, and dura­bil­i­ty in both res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial spaces. Block walls, often made of con­crete mason­ry units (CMUs), are stur­dy but noto­ri­ous­ly poor at retain­ing heat with­out prop­er insu­la­tion.
Medical building construction
The Benefits of Building a Medical Facility with ICF Construction
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Essential Elements of Passive House Design
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How ICF Reduces Production Time and Costs When Building a Movie Theater
ICF con­struc­tion expe­dites the pro­duc­tion of a movie the­ater and reduces labor costs over both wood-frame and CMU con­struc­tion.
Innovations in Exterior Wall Construction: What You Need to Know
For gen­er­a­tions, the con­struc­tion of exte­ri­or walls has fol­lowed tra­di­tion­al prac­tices that have pri­mar­i­ly involved wood or steel fram­ing. These meth­ods have been the back­bone of res­i­den­tial and light com­mer­cial con­struc­tion, by pro­vid­ing shel­ter, sta­bil­i­ty, and a cer­tain lev­el of insu­la­tion.
ICF Walls Are Less Expensive Than CMU
ICF Walls Are Less Expensive Than CMU
Many con­trac­tors ask us the same ques­tion: Is ICF more expen­sive than CMU? Here’s why ICF walls are less expen­sive than CMU and offer bet­ter ben­e­fits.
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Building Commercial Retail Developments with ICF Construction
Build­ing com­mer­cial retail devel­op­ments with ICF con­struc­tion cre­ates struc­tures that are dis­as­ter-resis­tant, ener­gy-effi­cient, envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly, qui­et, and durable.
Fox 2
5 Reasons Why ICF Offers The Best Wall Construction for Passive House Design