6 Alternative Building Materials for 2019
What R Value Do You Need for Basement Walls
What R-Value Do You Need for Basement Walls?
The prop­er R‑value of base­ment walls will pro­duce ener­gy-effi­cient, durable, healthy, and com­fort­able homes. Learn what R‑value your base­ment walls should have.
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Design Considerations for Horse Barn Construction with Modern Materials
Exploring ICF Construction in Washington State 3
Building for the Future: Exploring ICF Construction in Washington State
11 Must Haves for Energy Efficient Homes in Canada and the Northern U.S.
North America’s long-cold, sub-zero win­ters demand ener­gy-effi­cient homes that save Cana­di­an and Amer­i­can home­own­ers mon­ey while keep­ing their fam­i­lies warm and com­fort­able.
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5 Alternative Building Methods that Can Improve Profits and Productivity
Improv­ing prof­its with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty — the ulti­mate goal of all home­builders. Here are five alter­na­tive build­ing meth­ods that can improve your net prof­it mar­gin by sav­ing time and mon­ey.
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How to Design a Building for Passive Survivability
10 Green Building Construction Methods
Green build­ing con­struc­tion meth­ods have emerged as options for not only reduc­ing envi­ron­men­tal foot­prints, but also cut­ting down ener­gy expens­es. These meth­ods are based on eco-friend­ly prac­tices and mate­ri­als, and are aimed at pro­mot­ing both envi­ron­men­tal and eco­nom­ic sus­tain­abil­i­ty.