A Roadmapfor Realtor Education Adaptingfor Climate
A Roadmap for Realtor Education: Adapting for Climate Change
Acoustic Performance of Concrete Construction with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
Remove Costs on your ICF Project
Two proven areas to remove costs are cor­ners and truss wire.
Build to Resist Tornadoes: Storm Safe ICF Structures
Research by Texas Tech Wind Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing Research Cen­ter has demon­strat­ed that ICF walls bet­ter pro­tect occu­pants of hous­es from wind­blown debris, than frame walls. Being hit by wind­blown debris is the most com­mon cause of injury dur­ing tor­na­does.
Industry Standard ICF’s: Feedback from Contractors
Jan­u­ary through April is when we plant our seeds for the year by dis­play­ing our prod­uct for the mar­ket in trade shows. I’ve par­tic­i­pat­ed in these trade shows for 17 years now in the ICF indus­try and it has always been the same old thing, but this year was notably dif­fer­ent.
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6 Phases in the Life Cycle of a Construction Project
International GreenBuild Trade Show in Toronto
Over the past few years devel­op­ers have observed that LEED reg­is­tered build­ings lease more quick­ly and with rent pre­mi­ums of up to 30%.
Architectural Design Solutions
Architectural Design Solutions: Using ICFs for Stylish Structures
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SMP Architecture Saves Time with ICF for Waterfront Rescue Mission
The design team at SMP Archi­tec­ture want­ed to cre­ate a safe and secure, sus­tain­able struc­ture with low main­te­nance costs for the own­ers.
6 Trends for New Resident Hall Dormitory Design and Construction 1
6 Trends for New Resident Hall - Dormitory Design and Construction
Unit­ed States (U.S.) stu­dent hous­ing con­struc­tion projects are expe­ri­enc­ing rapid growth, with invest­ments in stu­dent hous­ing reach­ing $9.8 bil­lion in 2016 and $8 bil­lion in 2017.