2016 CABELAS 9
Is ICF Construction Worth the Cost for Commercial Buildings?
ICF con­struc­tion for com­mer­cial build­ings has sky­rock­et­ed over the past few years. ICF ben­e­fits rang­ing from sound insu­la­tion to dura­bil­i­ty to build­ing strength and dis­as­ter resis­tance have piqued a lot of inter­est for builders and archi­tects. But it has some scratch­ing their heads, mis­tak­en­ly think­ing ICF is more expen­sive and then won­der­ing, Is ICF con­struc­tion cost worth it?”
Benefits of Building an Energy-Efficient Home in Florida
Fox 3
How to Attach Siding to an ICF Substrate
A Guide to Designing an Energy-Efficient Building in a Hot Climate
How to Integrate an HVAC System with ICF Construction
How to Assess Contractors for Building with ICFs
The Benefits of Building Multi story Residential Buildings with ICF Blocks 1
The Benefits of Building Multi-story Residential Buildings with ICF Blocks
11 Healthy Building Products for New Home Construction
Build a Concrete House and Reap the Energy-Saving Rewards of Thermal Mass Home Design