6 Proven Methods and Materials for Building Sustainable Communities
The methods and materials for sustainable communities encourage durability, energy-efficiency, and superior indoor air quality (IAQ).

Building Energy-Efficient, Safe, and Healthy Low-Income Housing with Fox Blocks ICFs

Lock-and-Leave Home Design: How to Increase Your Free Time and Security
With so many homeowners looking for ways to cut back on their busy lives and enjoy more quality time with friends and families, the lock-and-leave home seems to be the perfect solution.

16 ICF Modern Farmhouse Floor Plans and Design Ideas

5 Trends in Modern Office Building Design
In 2020, office building design trends strive to save money and provide a safe, healthy, and productive workspace.

Cinder Block (CMU) vs. Traditional Poured Concrete Wall Foundations
We cover the differences between CMU blocks and poured concrete foundations so that you don’t have to learn from trial and error.

5 Common Misconceptions About ICF Construction
ICF construction creates modern structures that are energy-efficient, durable, disaster-resistant, and have good indoor environmental quality (IEQ). ICF construction is also strong, flexible, fast and easy to install. Unfortunately, even with these many benefits, some architects and contractors are reluctant to utilize it due to misconceptions about ICF construction.

ICF Construction in Arizona

What is a Resilient Home and How to Build One
Constructing strong homes that endure time and nature is crucial in modern building. Resilient homes are created to withstand harsh weather and provide exceptional durability and safety for homeowners.