Combat Rising Construction Labor Costs with ICF

This design is now the new prototype for future Clarksville-Montgomery County elementary schools.
Tilt Up Construction and Insulated Concrete Forms
Last year Fox Blocks decided we could add speed and value to the Tilt Up industry and it took all of 2 weeks to get the Fox Tilt insert engineered, mold made, and production started. I can’t stop grinning about the capabilities of our parent Airlite Plastics.
Our Company
Based in Omaha, Nebraska, Fox Blocks brings you the broadest dealer supply network in North America. As an ICF leader, we constantly strive to deliver the best education and training, the most advanced BIM support and the best overall service support in the industry.
Energy Stick Facts
The Energy Sticks have been designed to work well in the solid Fox Blocks line as well as the 1440 line.
Revit Family Configurator

Insulated Concrete Form Foundations Vs. Poured Concrete Foundation

What Are the Differences Between AAC and ICF Construction?
When considering AAC vs ICF construction, it’s important to know the differences, pros, and cons.

14 Benchmarks for Improving Your Construction Business

Insulated Concrete Form Installation Checklist
Checklists can be an important part of any project. We’ve created a series of installation checklists broken out in phases to help you be the most efficient with your next ICF project.