Insulated Concrete Form Installation Checklist
Checklists can be an important part of any project. We’ve created a series of installation checklists broken out in phases to help you be the most efficient with your next ICF project.

How to Get Energy-Efficient Walls with Insulated Concrete Forms
Las Vegas Goes Green with ICFs
Thanks to Randy and Bart, many Las Vegas fire stations will be now be built using Fox Blocks core 6″ insulated concrete forms. An exciting example of excellent work between a regional manager and a top flight local dealer.

How to Speed Up New Home Construction
Lightweight and sturdy ICFs, like Fox Blocks, speed up new home construction with quick and easy installation, guaranteed availability, and both hot and cold temperature resistance.

Home Climate Control: How to Prepare for When the Power Goes Out

5 Advantages of Building an Insulated Concrete Pool

Homeowner Saves Time and Energy by Choosing ICF
The owner of this 6,000 square foot home was attracted to Fox Blocks because of its energy efficiency but was also happy with the ease of construction that save time and money.

How ICFs Provide Airtight and Fire-Resistant Common Walls for Multi-Family Buildings

Fire Station 107 has been featured in several magazine articles won an ICF builder award and an award from Station Style magazine.

4 Reasons to Rebuild with ICF Walls After Wildfire Devastation
Rebuilding after a wildfire with Fox Blocks insulated concrete form (ICF) construction can protect a new structure and its occupants from future wildfires.