56261889297 145 B21 EA 1 D5 D 4310 A77 B 612 D857 E61 AE
ICF vs. Steel Framing: Which Is Best For Commercial Construction?
ICFs have been used with great suc­cess for projects such as hotels, the­atres, mul­ti-sto­ry res­i­den­tial, office, retail, mixed-use retail, edu­ca­tion­al projects and all man­ner of pub­lic works and fed­er­al mil­i­tary appli­ca­tions. How­ev­er, some peo­ple argue that Steel Fram­ing is best for com­mer­cial con­struc­tion, so we decid­ed to get to the bot­tom of the ICF vs. Steel Fram­ing face-off.
Home Climate Control
Home Climate Control: How to Prepare for When the Power Goes Out
Fox Blocks Pour Day on Megaplex Theatre Scottsdale AZ

Fox Blocks Pour Day on Megaplex Theatre Scottsdale AZ

Glasgow schooluc
The Superior Thermal Performance of ICF Lintels over Wood Lintels
The Best Roofing Options for ICF Homes
The Best Roofing Options for ICF Homes
icf roof
Fox Blocks Expands ICF Manufacturing to Texas and Missouri
Fox Blocks is excit­ed to announce con­tin­ued expan­sion of our ICF man­u­fac­tur­ing loca­tions! We are now being pro­duced in Keller, TX and Nixa, MO- bring­ing the total to 18 man­u­fac­tur­ing points across the US and Cana­da.
Important Considerations for Building an Energy Efficient Home in California
The Fox Buck - Take the Wood out of Windows and Doors
Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen gives an overview of the Fox Buck ICF win­dow and door buck.