What is a Shear Wall and How Does it Protect Your Building
What is a Shear Wall and How Does it Protect Your Building?
Con­struc­tion of a shear wall includes mate­ri­als and design that enhance a structure’s stiff­ness, strength, and duc­til­i­ty in order to with­stand lat­er­al forces from severe winds and earth­quakes.
Chatham Mixed Use13
10 House Construction Ideas For Your New Build
Con­struct­ing a new home is a sig­nif­i­cant project filled with deci­sions about aes­thet­ics, func­tion­al­i­ty, and sus­tain­abil­i­ty. For home­own­ers look­ing to merge inno­va­tion with prac­ti­cal­i­ty, there are sev­er­al cool ideas for new home con­struc­tion.
How to Build a 4-Hour Fire Wall: Thickness, Materials, and Assembly
Fox Blocks project how to level first courses of Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks project how to level first courses of Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Full Brick Attachment to Insulated Concrete Forms Public Works Project

Fox Blocks Full Brick Attachment to Insulated Concrete Forms Public Works Project

Fox Blocks Contractor Interview on large church project with Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Contractor Interview on large church project with Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks how to hand cut a form straight quick and efficiently

Fox Blocks how to hand cut a form straight quick and efficiently

14 Benchmarks for Improving Your Construction Business
14 Benchmarks for Improving Your Construction Business
Why is the concrete limited to a placement height or lifts of 4 feet (1.2 m)?
To alle­vi­ate the pres­sure from the liq­uid con­crete, the con­crete is placed in lay­ers or lifts’. The first lift is lim­it­ed to 4′ (1.2 m) of con­crete around the perime­ter of the build­ing. This allows approx­i­mate­ly one hour for the con­crete to set-up before con­tin­u­ing with the next 4′ (1.2 m) lift. The low­er lift pro­vides sup­port for the next lift as the con­crete is placed con­tin­u­ous­ly around the build­ing in con­sec­u­tive lifts to the top of the wall.
Insulated Concrete Form manufacturer of Fox Blocks is exhibiting at AIA National Convention: New Orleans: May 12-14
Fox Blocks is exhibit­ing at the AIA Nation­al Con­ven­tion being held here in New Orleans now through May 14th.