Designing for Disaster Protection and Storm-Proof Homes
Exterior wind damage is responsible for 25% of all homeowner insurance claims. That doesn’t include the interior losses that occur when damaged windows and roofs let rain wreak havoc inside. While we can’t prevent windstorms, we can lessen their damage by planning home designs with wind-resistance as a top priority.
ICF Construction: Theater Owners Like What They Hear AND What They Don't
ICF Wall Systems are the superior choice for building commercial theaters, due to how they contain internal sound as well as mitigate external sound.
NRMCA Hosts Upcoming ICF Contractor Training Seminars
The NRMCA is a membership organization for the concrete industry and is a leading industry advocate that provides information and updates to its members about the latest techniques, materials and technologies.
Fox Blocks Wins Big at the 2020 ICF Builder Awards
7 Things to Know About Basement Insulation Code
For building code basement insulation, there are 7 important things to know.
Understanding Current Supply Chain Woes and the Lack of Skilled and Unskilled Labor
7 Characteristics of a Progressive Builder in 2020
Highlights of The 2021 ICF Builder Awards
Quick Build Construction: ICF Construction for Tract Home Builders
Airlite Plastics Co. - Fox Blocks ICF Acquires TRUEGRID
Paves way for accelerated growth in sustainable construction products.