What fasteners are recommended for ICFs?
Fox Blocks has conducted numerous fastener tests for pull-out strength and shear capacity for various fasteners – screws, ring shank nails and staples into the plastic webs. The recommendation for interior and exterior applications of finish materials is for the use of screws which provide the best holding capacity into the plastic webs or fastening strips in the forms which are identified on each block.
The EPS insulation does not provide any holding capacity for fasteners.

How to Attach Siding to an ICF Substrate
Can I leave Fox Blocks forms exposed to ultraviolet rays for an extended period (months)?
Yes, but you will notice a light dusting on the surface and a yellowing discoloration of the forms. This does not indicate any detrimental effects to the ICFs. We do suggest, that if the exterior finish is not going to be installed within around a 3 month period or more, the forms be protected from UV rays by installing a temporary building wrap type material. The powdery film must be removed with soap and water before the application of a synthetic stucco finish or waterproofing membrane.

This 104,000 square foot project won an ICF Builder Award.

Fox Blocks Compact
Fox Blocks Compact offers more economical shipping costs by delivering flat. Ties can then be inserted easily into the panels at the jobsite. This compact product is designed to stack seamlessly with the traditional Fox Blocks line.

The owner of this home was attracted to Fox Blocks because of its energy efficiency.
Is an ICF home quieter than a stick framed home?
Absolutely. The exterior walls are two layers of continuous insulation, the density of solid concrete and a layer of ½” gypsum board on the inside all contribute to superior sound suppression of STC 50 for the whole building envelope. Note: A wood frame system of equivalent STC rating would be 2 x 4 studs spaced 16˝ o/c, with 3½˝ absorptive material, 1 layer of 5 /8˝ Type X gypsum board on resilient channels spaced 16˝ o/c, and 2 layers of 5 /8˝ Type X gypsum board on the other side. (Courtesy of 1995 NBCC Section A9.10.3.1 Wall #W5a)

Fox Blocks helped meet these needs and challenges of this public project serving the entire Phoenix metropolitan area.

Constructed during one of the worst winters in over 30 years, having over 8′ of snow fall during the 12 weeks of Fox Blocks construction.

The project is a key feature and gathering place in a small city that is planning substantial city-wide redevelopment. The new 11-screen theater is a focal point of this effort and has introduced the region to ICF and the benefits of building with this method.