Intertek Compact Testing Report
After losing their home to a fire in 2017, the project owners aimed to build a replacement that was similar in design but stronger and more fire-resistant. The fire had extensively damaged the site, which necessitated a complete demolition of the old structure, including the former basement, prior to the construction of the new ICF home.
What is the typical Interior finish on an ICF?
All building codes in the USA and Canada specify that plastic insulation (EPS) must be covered by a thermal barrier equivalent to 15 minutes of fire protection in habitable spaces. This is achieved with ½” gypsum board or an equivalent material. Fox Blocks has specific fire testing that proves regular ½” gypsum board with regular drywall screws fastened into the plastic webs remains on the wall for the required 15-minute time period.
Fox Blocks and Menards Promote Storm Safe Homes
Our insulated concrete forms are solid monolithic walls and withstand the worst of rainstorms, fires, and high winds — including tornadoes.
Las Vegas Goes Green with ICFs
Thanks to Randy and Bart, many Las Vegas fire stations will be now be built using Fox Blocks core 6″ insulated concrete forms. An exciting example of excellent work between a regional manager and a top flight local dealer.
Old-World Style Home and Vineyard Prove ICF Resilence. Noble materials like custom heavy-timber structural trusses, rafter tails, and outlookers give the home a natural ranch look, while hand-cut, locally sourced, natural stone accents provide a solid footing and timeless durability.
Safe Room
ICF Construction in Arizona
Fox Blocks ICF Partners with Habitat for Humanity
Fox Blocks donated Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) to the Habitat For Humanity’s 30th Annual Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project. The volunteers and materials donated by Fox Blocks will help rebuild the home of Elmer Lamberson’s whose home was lost in Superstorm Sandy.
Party Wall Construction: Why ICFs Are the Best Option
Party wall construction plays a crucial role in the development of townhouses, condominiums, and duplexes. Party walls are strategically placed to separate individual units within a shared structure, to provide privacy, fire protection, and structural stability.