How Long Does It Take to Frame a House?
Wondering how long it takes to frame a house? Discover the key factors that influence the timeline and what to expect during the framing process!
Your Guide to Building a Home With the Future in Mind
Some clients might want to leave the home to future generations of family members, while others may have a passion for environmental sustainability. Comments like that all point to the same thing: a client who wants a home designed with the future in mind. And, by keeping up with the latest developments in future-focused design, you can provide the solution.
2 Story ICF Construction: An Ultimate Guide
Explore the benefits of 2 story ICF construction for energy-efficient, durable homes with Fox Blocks’ advanced Insulated Concrete Forms.
ICFs and Severe Weather
The steel reinforced concrete, which can cure stronger than normal concrete because of the foam insulation, can withstand winds of over 200 MPH, and projectile debris traveling over 100 MPH. There are dozens of eye witness examples of ICF homes taking EF5 tornadoes head on with the walls still standing.
17 Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Building
The Best Framing Option for Texas Coastal Homes
How to Build an ICF Barndominium
What Today’s Empty Nesters Want for Their New Homes
Empty nesters can simplify their lives, save money, and help the environment by downsizing to a single-story, energy-efficient, low-maintenance, and durable home.
10 Cattle Barn Designs and Ideas to Optimize a Cattle Barn
New Training for the Fox Block Interlock
We have found it to be a waste of time and energy to attempt to offset or stagger the block as in the photo to the left. By creating a vertical stacked seam you will be more accurate with the job dimensions and will increase your profit by gaining efficiency.