Waterproofing Below-Grade Insulated Concrete Forms

3 Reasons Why Building with LEED Materials is Better for Your Business
As green building becomes more common practice, there is a trend towards lower construction costs associated with building sustainably, due to improved technologies and more readily available environmentally friendly building materials.

The Challenges of Building a Net Zero, Storm-Resistant Home
Building a home that stands up to severe weather and flooding is one thing. Designing a net zero energy custom home that your clients will love is another.

6 Methods for a More Sustainable Construction Industry
Sustainability is rapidly gaining momentum on a global scale. But meeting modern sustainability requirements presents a challenge to construction companies and building owners alike.

Insulated Concrete Form Foundations Vs. Poured Concrete Foundation
Manpower for 9,000 SF of ICF Wall Cut in Half!
“We completed 9,000 square-feet of wall in just five days with only five men. With normal masonry, it would have taken double the man power. Fox Blocks quality and ease of installation is important in an industry where time is money.”
3 Reasons Why ICFs and Swimming Pools are a Great Match
There are many reasons to use ICFs for your new swimming pool, but here are our top three.

Fox Block ICFs Commercial Buildings are Strong, Durable, and Comfortable
Fox Blocks Recognized at 2013 ICF Builder Awards Projects from Five States Receive Awards
We are honored to be recognized with these five ICF Builder Awards. Fox Blocks won five awards in three categories, with projects from five different states.