8 Impressive Modern Homes Built with ICF
Any sustainability consultant will tell you that a building’s insulation is a crucial part in constructing an energy-efficient, high performance home. Choosing the right material and insulation method for a build ensures homeowners will have a sustainable building envelope for the life cycle of the home.

Integrated Design in Architecture and Construction
In the field of architecture and construction, integrated design is a powerful solution that tackles the inefficiencies of traditional isolated processes. This approach combines different project elements under a unified vision, and proves particularly effective with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) like those from Fox Blocks. By using ICF, the building process becomes more efficient and collaborative.

21 Construction Techniques to Build a Small, Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Home

6 Proven Methods and Materials for Building Sustainable Communities
The methods and materials for sustainable communities encourage durability, energy-efficiency, and superior indoor air quality (IAQ).

The New Canadian NBCC Code and ICFs Compared to Wood Framing

6 Things to Consider When Building a Basement

Home Climate Control: How to Prepare for When the Power Goes Out

The Best Framing Option for Texas Coastal Homes

13 Must-Haves When Building a New Home
Building a new home offers you the opportunity to include the latest energy-efficient, durable, and sustainable products and methods, saving you money on monthly and long-term expenses.

Blower Door Test 101: Essential Guide to Airtightness in ICF Construction