Highlights of the 2021 ICF Builder Awards
Highlights of The 2021 ICF Builder Awards
The Best Roofing Options for ICF Homes
The Best Roofing Options for ICF Homes
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Lock-and-Leave Home Design: How to Increase Your Free Time and Security
With so many home­own­ers look­ing for ways to cut back on their busy lives and enjoy more qual­i­ty time with friends and fam­i­lies, the lock-and-leave home seems to be the per­fect solu­tion.
26 ICF Builders & Contractors to Consider for Your Construction Needs
7 Problems with Wood Frame Construction 1
7 Problems with Wood Frame Construction
Sev­en spe­cif­ic prob­lems with wood frame con­struc­tion include fire- and wind-resis­tance, dura­bil­i­ty, low ther­mal mass, shrink­age, and com­pro­mised acoustics and indoor air qual­i­ty (IAQ).
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5 Ways To Save Money On Your Next Commercial Project
ICF’s ben­e­fits are mas­sive, rang­ing from cost sav­ings to dura­bil­i­ty, high qual­i­ty and easy instal­la­tion. If you want to learn how to save mon­ey on your next project, keep read­ing.
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House Framing 101 - How to Select the Best Framing Option for Your Home
ICF vs Wood Framing: Reaching the Tipping Point
Reaching the Tipping Point — ICF vs. Wood Framing
ICF Home California
Replacing Disposable Homes with Durable ICF Construction
In regions prone to hur­ri­canes, tor­na­does, and wild­fires, Fox Blocks ICF wall assem­bly pro­vides an excel­lent alter­na­tive to wood-frame con­struc­tion.
ICF House Still Standing After Storm
ICF Houses Still Standing After Storms