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13 Vital Features of a Distribution Center in 2020
In 2020, as E‑commerce con­tin­ues to grow, busi­ness­es need big­ger, more finan­cial­ly-effi­cient and func­tion­al dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ters.
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6 Reasons Why Architects Choose to Design With Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Construction
Is an ICF house faster to build?
The assem­bly and place­ment of con­crete may take the same time as to build with con­ven­tion­al meth­ods. The advan­tage with Fox Blocks is that the walls are now insu­lat­ed, have a vapor and air bar­ri­er installed and are ready for fin­ish­es once the win­dows and roof are installed. These ben­e­fits will save weeks and/​or months depend­ing on the size of the projects.
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How ICF Solves the Problems of Both Metal and Wood Stud Framing
5 Considerations for Your Next Convenience Store Construction Project 1
5 Considerations for Your Next Convenience Store Construction Project
Fire Resistant Building Header
The Ideal Design of a Fire-Resistant Building
Utilizing Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) for Construction in Wyoming
Remove Costs on your ICF Project
Two proven areas to remove costs are cor­ners and truss wire.
How to Deal with the Rising Cost of Insulation
How to Deal with the Rising Cost of Insulation
A com­bi­na­tion of ongo­ing short­ages and increas­ing demand has led to high­er prices for fiber­glass insu­la­tion. What is the best way to deal with it?
Duplex vs. Multiplex: Choosing the Right Investment
Duplex or mul­ti­plex: which is the bet­ter invest­ment? Learn the dif­fer­ences, pros, and cons to make the right choice for your prop­er­ty goals!