Pouring Concrete in Cold Weather
8 Tips for Pouring Concrete in Cold Weather and in Winter
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House Framing 101 - How to Select the Best Framing Option for Your Home
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6 Proven Methods and Materials for Building Sustainable Communities
The meth­ods and mate­ri­als for sus­tain­able com­mu­ni­ties encour­age dura­bil­i­ty, ener­gy-effi­cien­cy, and supe­ri­or indoor air qual­i­ty (IAQ).
A Comprehensive Guide to the Types of Concrete Blocks Used in Construction
The own­ers want­ed an afford­able cus­tom home that could with­stand Chesa­peake Bay weath­er.
Fox 4
21 Construction Techniques to Build a Small, Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Home
Understanding Resilience in Construction: 4 Critical Considerations
5 disadvantages to diy concrete foundation forms
5 Disadvantages to DIY Concrete Foundation Forms
Before you begin your con­crete foun­da­tion forms DIY project, con­sid­er these five dis­ad­van­tages of DIY con­crete form con­struc­tion.
How to Design an Earthquake Resistant Home
How to Design an Earthquake Resistant Home: a Definitive Guide