Icf hotel
Building Stronger Hotels with ICF Blocks
Build a Better Commercial Building With These 13 Tips
Fox Blocks sug­gests these thir­teen tips that build­ing own­ers and project man­agers should con­sid­er before build­ing a com­mer­cial build­ing.
Aluminum Stud Problems and a Better Alternative
The objec­tive was to build a beau­ti­ful home on spec that was both ener­gy effi­cient and hur­ri­cane-resis­tant in a sought-after neigh­bor­hood in the Flori­da Pan­han­dle.
Fox Blocks and Habitat for Humanity – Partners in Sustainability
Fox Blocks and Habi­tat for Human­i­ty have a grow­ing rela­tion­ship, built on our com­mon inter­est in pro­vid­ing home own­ers with well-built homes that are ener­gy effi­cient.”
13 Must Haves for Medical Building Construction
13 Must Haves for Medical Building Construction

1.01.01 Guia De Informacion Tecnica Y Del Producto

Is the Fox Blocks ICF product ‘LEED’ rated or certified?
Prod­ucts are not rat­ed or cer­ti­fied under the LEED pro­gram. The over­all build­ing is eval­u­at­ed and assigned a LEED rat­ing. In the selec­tion of build­ing mate­ri­als for a LEED design, Fox Blocks have many ben­e­fits that can enable, enhance or direct­ly con­tribute toward LEED points for the project.

1.02.01 Lista De Verificacion De Instalacion

Fox Blocks WOC 2012 New Products Insulated Concrete Forms.MOV

Fox Blocks WOC 2012 New Products Insulated Concrete Forms.MOV