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WOC 2011 - Great Kick Off
Traveling back to my home/office in Atlanta from the recent World of Concrete Show in Las Vegas, I was able to reflect on some of our company’s recent achievements. The recent World of Concrete show gave our company a platform or perfect opportunity to…
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How Much Does It Cost to Pour a Foundation?
Building a strong and reliable foundation is a significant step in the construction of any home or building. The cost of this process varies depending on foundation type, material, and labor requirements.

Masonry vs. Wood Frame Construction and a Better Option
As technology has advanced, new construction methods have emerged. Understanding the traditional masonry vs. wood frame rivalry sets the stage for why a better alternative exists.
What is the typical Interior finish on an ICF?
All building codes in the USA and Canada specify that plastic insulation (EPS) must be covered by a thermal barrier equivalent to 15 minutes of fire protection in habitable spaces. This is achieved with ½” gypsum board or an equivalent material. Fox Blocks has specific fire testing that proves regular ½” gypsum board with regular drywall screws fastened into the plastic webs remains on the wall for the required 15-minute time period.

Get Quicker Winter Construction with ICF

9 Benefits of ICF Homes in Canada
ICF homes in Canada help builders maintain their profits because of ICFs stable pricing and quick construction compared to above and below grade conventional construction.

How Architects Can Sell Clients on ICF Construction
Utilizing ICF for residential projects is an amazing way to create strong and safe homes while utilizing ICF for commercial projects is an easy way to hit deadlines earlier with lower costs. Want to know how to sell your clients on ICF construction? Keep reading to receive expert knowledge on all the benefits and the best way to communicate them.
How do I apply an acrylic stucco finish to an ICF?
Acrylic stucco is a thin coat finish which can be directly applied to the EPS insulation on the exterior face of the ICF. Fox Blocks provides a continuous EPS surface conducive for the application of acrylic stucco. All acrylic stucco manufactures are familiar with ICFs as a substrate and each have their recommendations for application over ICFs. Note there is a difference in the installation procedures between acrylic stucco and traditional stucco.

5 Trends in Modern Office Building Design
In 2020, office building design trends strive to save money and provide a safe, healthy, and productive workspace.