Waterproofing Below Grade Insulated Concrete Forms
Waterproofing Below-Grade Insulated Concrete Forms
Exterior Foundation Covering Ideas and Designs
A beau­ti­ful­ly fin­ished foun­da­tion adds more than curb appeal — it pro­tects your home from envi­ron­men­tal dam­age and enhances ener­gy effi­cien­cy. Mod­ern home­own­ers and builders can choose from a vari­ety of exte­ri­or cov­er­ing ideas, from time­less options like brick and stone veneer applied to advanced solu­tions like Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Forms (ICFs).
How To Easily Build a Hurricane-Resistant Home with ICF Construction
ICF con­struc­tion offers an easy way to achieve hur­ri­cane-resis­tant wall sys­tems that pro­tect against wind, fly­ing debris, and flood­ing.
Cinder Block (CMU) vs. Traditional Poured Concrete Wall Foundations
We cov­er the dif­fer­ences between CMU blocks and poured con­crete foun­da­tions so that you don’t have to learn from tri­al and error.
The Envelope Please
The Oscar goes to…
How to Get Energy Efficient Walls Header
How to Get Energy-Efficient Walls with Insulated Concrete Forms
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Why ZERH Builders Profits are Decreasing
Today’s home­own­ers demand ener­gy-effi­cient and high-per­form­ing homes. As ZERH builders strive to accom­mo­date these demands, they also strug­gle with decreas­ing prof­its.
Tiny ICF Home Header
10 Tips for Designing a Small or Tiny ICF Home
11 Benefits of Concrete House Construction
Low cost house construction
Low Cost House Construction with Energy-Efficient Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)