Schools with ICF Construction Header
Increasing Energy-Efficiency in Schools with ICF Construction
Fox Blocks Goes to Washington
Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form Man­u­fac­tur­er Fox Blocks brings its new­ly devel­oped web-based BIM tools to a forum focused on Fed­er­al Asset Man­age­ment.
Schafman Residence
Laying the Groundwork: Steps for Building a Solid Foundation for a Small House
In this arti­cle, we will explore how to build a foun­da­tion for a small house using insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICFs) and dis­cuss the advan­tages of choos­ing this mod­ern con­struc­tion method.
Fox Blocks Acquiring Key Assets of ARXX Building Products
Fox Blocks ICF announced that it will acquire select key assets from ARXX Build­ing Prod­ucts, inte­grat­ing those assets into its own oper­a­tions and aug­ment­ing the Fox Blocks Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form (ICF) prod­uct line.
Fox Blocks on City of Phoenix 911 Dispatch Center 50 ft tall with Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks on City of Phoenix 911 Dispatch Center 50 ft tall with Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Concrete Contractor testimonial on speed of Fox Block

Fox Blocks Concrete Contractor testimonial on speed of Fox Block

Fox Blocks Hot Knife Electrical Box into Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Hot Knife Electrical Box into Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks on largest Insulated Concrete Forms Residential Project in Western US

Fox Blocks on largest Insulated Concrete Forms Residential Project in Western US