Fox 1
How to Design a Building for Passive Survivability
Foundation Types
Foundation Types: 8 Different Types of Home Foundations
La Costa Cinepoliis 183
The project is a key fea­ture and gath­er­ing place in a small city that is plan­ning sub­stan­tial city-wide rede­vel­op­ment. The new 11-screen the­ater is a focal point of this effort and has intro­duced the region to ICF and the ben­e­fits of build­ing with this method.
Fox 2
5 Reasons Why ICF Offers The Best Wall Construction for Passive House Design
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6 Things to Consider When Building a Basement
We don’t just work toward improv­ing our own prod­ucts and ser­vices: we want the entire build­ing indus­try to improve. Involve­ment in and lead­er­ship of crit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tions and com­mit­tees ensures we are at the fore­front of pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty ben­e­fits for all project stake­hold­ers.
Exterior Wall Thickness How Thick Should Your Walls Be
Exterior Wall Thickness: How Thick Should Your Walls Be?
The exte­ri­or wall thick­ness of a home sig­nif­i­cant­ly impacts the house’s ener­gy effi­cien­cy, dis­as­ter resis­tance, and IEQ. Learn how thick exte­ri­or walls should be.
Low cost house construction
Low Cost House Construction with Energy-Efficient Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)
Insulated Concrete Forms Garage Construction Header
The Advantages of ICF for Garage Construction
An ide­al prod­uct for today’s mul­ti-pur­pose, ener­gy-effi­cient, safe, and com­fort­able garages is Fox Blocks insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICFs).