Home plan conversion
10 Ways to Lower Homeowners Insurance Rates
Home­own­ers insur­ance is essen­tial for pro­tect­ing your prop­er­ty and assets, but it does­n’t have to break the bank. Learn­ing how to low­er home insur­ance pre­mi­ums can lead to sub­stan­tial sav­ings.
Fox Blocks was used to sup­port the Friary’s 200-year life expectan­cy for the facil­i­ty.
Mayura Manor Exterior Johnruzphoto com
Dead­lines and Design Codes Don’t Stop A Dream Home. A strik­ing front ele­va­tion is met with high­ly-effi­cient sus­tain­able fea­tures and includes a court­yard con­nect­ing the main home, casita and garage, with cus­tom stone water fea­tures ele­vat­ed above the pool deck.
Fox Blocks Recognized at 2013 ICF Builder Awards Projects from Five States Receive Awards
We are hon­ored to be rec­og­nized with these five ICF Builder Awards. Fox Blocks won five awards in three cat­e­gories, with projects from five dif­fer­ent states.

1.13.09 Energy Code Review USA - RDH Laboratories

WOC 2011 - Great Kick Off
Trav­el­ing back to my home/​office in Atlanta from the recent World of Con­crete Show in Las Vegas, I was able to reflect on some of our company’s recent achieve­ments. The recent World of Con­crete show gave our com­pa­ny a plat­form or per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to…
Does the Fox Blocks contain recycled materials?
The plas­tic webs in Fox Blocks forms are 100% recy­cled postin­dus­tri­al polypropy­lene. The EPS insu­la­tion is vir­gin mate­r­i­al. Recy­cled con­tent for an ICF block is mea­sured by weight. The recy­cled con­tent by weight of a stan­dard 6″ Fox Blocks form — 48%.
Fox Blocks T Block and Concrete superior Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks T Block and Concrete superior Insulated Concrete Forms