Become a Net Zero Hero
With a com­bi­na­tion of high- tech build­ing mate­ri­als and stream­lined ener­gy renew­al sources, net zero ener­gy build­ings are per­fect exam­ples of the waste not, want not” con­cept.
Understanding Current Supply Chain Woes and the Lack of Skilled and Unskilled Labor
Understanding Current Supply Chain Woes and the Lack of Skilled and Unskilled Labor
Fox Blocks Goes to Washington
Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form Man­u­fac­tur­er Fox Blocks brings its new­ly devel­oped web-based BIM tools to a forum focused on Fed­er­al Asset Man­age­ment.
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The Best Insulative Building Material for Cold Storage Warehouse Construction
Icf construction training
The Importance of Contractor Training and Product Knowledge
Remove Costs on your ICF Project
Two proven areas to remove costs are cor­ners and truss wire.
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ICF Basements 101: Everything You Need to Know Before You Build
Build to Resist Tornadoes: Storm Safe ICF Structures
Research by Texas Tech Wind Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing Research Cen­ter has demon­strat­ed that ICF walls bet­ter pro­tect occu­pants of hous­es from wind­blown debris, than frame walls. Being hit by wind­blown debris is the most com­mon cause of injury dur­ing tor­na­does.
ICF Home California
Replacing Disposable Homes with Durable ICF Construction
In regions prone to hur­ri­canes, tor­na­does, and wild­fires, Fox Blocks ICF wall assem­bly pro­vides an excel­lent alter­na­tive to wood-frame con­struc­tion.
Architectural Design Solutions
Architectural Design Solutions: Using ICFs for Stylish Structures