Does EPS ‘off gas’?
EPS does not off-gas. Fox Blocks forms do not and nev­er have con­tained any CFC or HCFC prod­ucts. The forms are made by a steam process that uti­lizes pen­tene gas’ as a blow­ing agent. The blow­ing agent dis­si­pates from the prod­uct with­in 48 hours of man­u­fac­tur­ing. Fox Blocks forms are odor­less, do not dete­ri­o­rate, and do not off gas.
How do frame in openings?
Fox Blocks has devel­oped the Fox Buck specif­i­cal­ly to frame open­ings such as win­dows and doors. The Fox Buck pro­vides insu­la­tion around the open­ing plus sup­port for the attach­ment of the win­dow or door.